Our grievance list consists of cases that have been brought to our attention through media reports, stakeholder feedback, buyers’ grievance mechanism, our own grievance procedure and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). We aim to communicate transparently on grievances and complaints that have been raised as well as report our progress towards resolving them.

Please click here for the updated grievance list.

Sustainability Policy




Environmental Management
• High Carbon Stock
• High Conservation Value
• Peat, Soil and Water Mgmt
• Zero Burning Policy
• Greenhouse Gases
• Integrated Pest Mgmt
• Waste Mgmt


Community Engagement
• Smallholder Partnership
• Community Development


Supply Chain
• Traceability


Employee Relations
• Employment Practices
• Occupational Health & Safety


Sustainability Reports


Grievance Procedure
• Grievance List